This issue of The Little Egypt Gazette is for serious card men and beer drinkers only.
This is the magazine Larry Jennings was gonna publish, but even he didn't have the cojones.
This hard-hitting, no-nonsense journal is for the Real Man who can stand his ground at the bar
of the Magic Castle's Grand Salon, quaff six or eight Heinekens, flawlessly execute "Open
Travelers" or "Slow Motion Aces," and then walk out into the Hollywood night with that
great-looking babe who came in with the low-cut black velvet dress and the English accent. If
you aren't this guy, if you don't know your Erdnase bottom palm from an ace in the hole, then
amscray back to your TV Magic Card tricks and your fruity drinks with little umbrellas.
Welcome to the November issue of The Little Egypt Gazette. It's a special "Light"
issue -- there is no extended book review or card trick -- and is being offered as we take a break
to catch up on a few real life obligations. This issue contains a few news items and other
comments that would have become stale if we had waited until the next real issue in December.
If this is the first issue of the magazine you've ever seen, please turn back to the September and
October issues for a better idea of what this project is all about.
PENDRAGONS ON PBS -- Raise a glass of your favorite amber brew to the Pendragons,
who appeared on PBS's Cincinnati Pops Holiday: Halloween, on Wednesday, October 30, with
Erich Kunzel and the Cincinnati Pops orchestra. The show allotted this striking couple a solid 9
minutes and 21 seconds of air time, in which they presented three illusions: the "Theater Surreal,"
"Clearly Impossible," and "Metamorphosis." The first item, new to me, consisted of a small box
theater on a very thin table. From this Jonathan produced two large white dogs and Charlotte.
How the heck Charlotte had herself folded up inside that thing completely baffles me. I am
similarly baffled by their see-through sawing effect. If they had struck a deal with the devil to
present real magic in the guise of stage conjuring, it couldn't look much better than this. They
concluded with their lightning rendition of "Metamorphosis." Someone on the EG expressed
concern that the orchestra had a clear view of how "Metamorphosis" worked. I was more
interested in whether they had a clear view of the costume change, something we all almost
witnessed a few years ago on the In Search of Houdini special. The Pendragons are always
pushing the envelope, and this Halloween outing was a classic case in point.
HOUSTON NEWS -- Exactly a year ago this issue we had the pleasure of spotlighting
Richard Hatch and Charlie Randall, the proprietors of H & R Magic Books, and purveyors of
one of the largest collections of new and used books around today. Their latest List 15 arrived a
few weeks ago and is packed with temptations, including virtually all of the new and
forthcoming books, some of which I've not seen advertised anywhere else, numerous lecture
notes from all the recent conventions, and 749 used titles. Of the new books, Richard and
Charlie offer special deals on the multi-volume works, including a package price for both the L
& L and Richard Kaufman reprints of the Ellis Stanyon MAGIC magazine, along with package
deals on complete sets of the new Paul Harris books, all the Mike Close Workers books, all four
currently available Hugard's Magic Monthly volumes, The Books of Wonder, and so on. The
list is $3 from H & R Magic Books, 3702 Cyril Drive, Humble, TX 77396-4032. Regarding
other Houston news: with Sir Charles in town, things are looking up again for the Rockets, but that
recent double overtime loss to the Lakers must have been painful. A book order might cheer the
boys up and keep them from drinking so much.
MAIL WATCH -- Two additional dealer "lists" of considerable interest arrived here
recently. The first, from Stevens Magic Emporium, is Joe's new video catalog, a slick 92-page
catalog of over 485 titles. (If you are one of the astronauts who gets picked for the Mars
mission, you might have enough time on the trip to watch all these!) The big news in this
catalog is that Joe has reduced the price on all his Greater Magic videos to a very fair $35.
Years ago I lobbied for lower video prices, arguing that videos were not priced competitively
with books. I'm happy to note that virtually all video producers have finally realized this.
Although the Greater Magic videos were always more affordable than the competition, this new
price moves them into the Extremely Desirable range. If you owned any in the past or have
watched them running at Desert Magic Seminars, you know they are superbly produced, and
there is no better time than now to extend your collection. You can access Stevens Magic
Emporium from our Links page.
The second item is the new full-color catalog from Louis Falanga of L & L Publishing,
featuring hot material both from L & L and from others. This catalog returns to a magazine
format in that it contains, along with the merchandise, essays and material by Michael Ammar,
Jim Sisti, Alex Elmsley, and an especially strong article by Jeff McBride. The hot new items,
and the first time I've seen them advertised, are the Vernon Inner Card Trilogy and the new
Michael Skinner Classic Sampler. See additional mentions below in "Ho Ho Ho." You can
access L & L Publishing from our Links page.
NEW KID ON THE BLOCK -- Be sure to check our Links page for a new online magic
magazine called 52, subtitled "The Journal of Card Magic." This is a gorgeous, high tech entry to
what is still a limited list, and it's so damn good that Richard Robinson and I are going to meet
at some neutral pub and get wasted. The current issue features numerous card tricks by the likes
of Jon Racherbaumer, Phil Goldstein, and Paul Cummins, and all the material is strong.
Entrance to the entire magazine is passworded, via a clue such as we usually use here, except
that you don't have to as finicky with upper and lower case as I require you to be. (It must be
magic.) The modest editor -- his name currently appears nowhere in the issue -- is Robert
Gregory-Browne, and his taste in card magic, his design sense, and his technical special effects
well deserve your attention. Note that he does require Netscape 3.0 or a similarly robust browser
for you to enjoy this magazine. Robert mentions that he welcomes card tricks and articles about card
IN THE WORKS -- It's always of interest to hear of new books in the works. In addition to
publishing a pile of new books recently (see "Ho Ho Ho" below) and editing/publishing The
Looking Glass, Richard Kaufman recently voyaged up to Toronto to tape 65 tricks by Jay Sankey
for Richard's third book with him, and entertained Jerry Andrus at home where he taped 90
tricks and sleights for a new book with Jerry. A collectors' convention in Boston also turned up
lots of DeLand stuff for that book. Although all promise to be excellent, younger magicians who
have not lately had access to the writings of Jerry Andrus are especially in for a treat.
URL UPGRADE -- Suzanne, the Minneapolis-based magician
whose online brochure we've been praising ever since this magazine started, recently acquired
her own domain name, (Rumor is that she had to change her URL because
Golem was e-mailing his pathetic affections to her daily. Joycee Beck finally sold her own
computer over the same issue.) If you had previously bookmarked Suzanne's page, it's time to
update your bookmark. If you haven't visited with Suzanne on the web recently, our current
Links page will take you there.
Picasso at the Lapin Agile and Other Plays, by
Steve Martin. 150 pp. $20, from Grove Press. Note: All performance rights are reserved;
performance requires advance permission and payment of royalties or other terms. This slim
volume -- certainly one of the most entertaining books I've read in a while -- contains four brief
plays by Steve Martin, a magician who also writes, directs, does standup comedy and television
appearances, and acts in movies (as with most magicians, the day job keeps him pretty busy).
Longest of the four is Picasso at the Lapin Agile, the highly successful play that was produced in
Chicago featuring a meeting between a young Albert Einstein and a young Pablo Picasso at the
birth of the 20th century. In addition to this and a dark little comedy called WASP, there are two
extremely brief one-acts of special appeal to magicians -- The Zig-Zag Woman and Patter for the
Floating Lady. The first concerns a young woman who stands around inside the Robert Harbin
illusion in order to attract a young man. The Twister illusion also figures into the plot. Patter
for the Floating Lady chronicles the last moments between a magician and his
girlfriend-assistant, and utilizes the Steinmeyer pole levitation. Both these plays are excellent
examples of how something meaningful can be wrought from commonplace magic props.
Darwin's Inexpensive Illusions, by Gary Darwin. Foreword by Lance Burton. 25 pp. $30.
I've not seen this advertised, and I obtained mine from H & R Magic Books. Illusions are a difficult proposition: they require special
transportation, staging, lighting, music, angle considerations, trained assistants, and considerable
show business talent that transcends that required of closeup workers. They are also quite
expensive to build or purchase. While he can't help you with all the ancillary requirements that
burden the would-be illusionist, Gary Darwin comes to the rescue regarding price. In this slim
softback book, and relying on two basic illusion principles, Gary sketches the detailed workings
of over 40 illusions via over 150 illustrations. The entire book is hand lettered and drawn, of
sufficient clarity and enthusiasm that the budding illusionist should have no trouble mocking up
these items and trying them. As we mentioned last month, both Lance Burton and Melinda
started their illusion phases with hand-built illusions, and you can too. (But a big hint: in
addition to needing a lot of talent, it also helps if you look as good as Lance or Melinda!) |
Just build one of these inexpensive illusions, hire a beautiful
assistant, and you're ready for the big time. Uh, Golem, how about another Bud
Light? |
There are only 37 shopping days left until Christmas, and 'tis the season for book lovers. If your new supermodel trophy wife is begging you for hints as to what you would like
under the tree this year (I swear this is the last issue I'll write under the influence), you might
offer the following suggestions:
The Feints and Temps of Harry Riser by Ed Brown, $45 from Richard Kaufman.
(Autographed slipcased edition: $90) 270 pp. Forewords by John Thompson and Charlie
Miller, with over 400 drawings by Earle Oakes. Due from the printer on December 12 (it's there
now), this major new work will feature eight coin routines, Harry's golf ball routine and close-up
billiard ball routine, "Hornswoggled Revisited," "Walnuts and Glass," and card tricks including
the likes of "Five-Card Monte," "Erdnase Aces," "Marked Cards and Dealer's School"
(including Harry's most cherished secret: his marked deck), and "Devilish Miracle Revisited."
This is the first large collection of Harry Riser material and is long overdue.
The Art of Astonishment by Paul Harris, from A-1 Multimedia. $125 for the three-volume
set, each over 300 pp. How can you not want this one? 222 effects, 73 of which are new. Over
2000 illustrations. And it's Paul Harris. As a young man in San Diego, I had the fun of
watching Chuck Martinez and his rather wacky friend Paul impress the magic world with those
first Paul Harris books. Today, some of my most requested effects, and the most fun for me to
do, are Paul's.
Michael Skinner Classic Sampler, from L & L Publishing. $35 (Signed slipcased edition:
$79.95) 120 pp. Not the mega-book we might have hoped for, but at 27 effects this is still the
largest collection of Skinner material to date and should find a wide and highly satisfied
Dai Vernon's Inner Card Trilogy, from L & L Publishing. $35. (Limited edition, slipcased,
signed by Dai Vernon -- via Ouija board???: $150) 240 pp. This is the reprint of the original
Ganson books -- Inner Secrets of Card Magic, More Inner Secrets of Card Magic, and Further
Inner Secrets of Card Magic. These are mandatory reading for anyone interested in card magic.
Magie Duvivier, by Jon Racherbaumer, from Richard Kaufman. $40. 179 pp. Reviewed in
our September issue. Easy, fun material from a rather surreal French magician.
Hugard's Magic Monthly, Volumes 11,12, and 13, from Magico in New York or your
favorite dealer. $49.95. 440 pp. These Hugard's reprints have been terrific fun, one of the best
magazine reprints since The Phoenix and The New Phoenix. Check with H & R Magic Books
for a great package deal.
Stanyon's Famous Magazine: Magic. OK -- either three volumes, slipcased with a 50-page
index and rare color print from Richard Kaufman for $250 (only 50 sets left) or a single volume
from L & L Publishing for $125. Check the ads and figure out which edition is right for you.
Collectors can turn to H & R Magic Books for a package offer. Regardless, this 1900 to 1921
journal is filled with thousands of tricks and articles that convey the breadth of stage, parlor, and
close-up magic in turn-of-the-century England.
The Books of Wonder by Tommy Wonder and Stephen Minch, from Hermetic Press, Inc.
$90 for the two-volume set. Approximately 340 pp. each volume. This highly popular set sold
out in its first five weeks this summer, but was just reprinted a week ago. Get it before it
happens again. (Note: With so many hot new books coming out this season, Stephen Minch
opted to hold off release of anything new in December. But watch next year for new offerings in
the Giobbi Card College series, plus books by Ken Krenzel, Milt Kort, and Juan Tamariz.)
Workers 5, by Michael Close. $40 from your favorite dealer. Mike reports this is selling like
crazy, and he hasn't even advertised it yet. 170 pp., the largest of the series with more than two
dozen routines plus Mike's incisive essays. Especially of interest for Mike's memorized deck
routines. This is supposedly the last of the Workers series. Check H & R Magic Books for a
package deal on the entire set.
Magic and Methods of Ross Bertram ($45) and Bertram on Sleight of Hand ($65). From Lee
Jacobs Productions. Two fine books reprinted this year. Check last month's "Oil and Water"
routine for a sample effect.
The Expositor, by William Frederick Pinchbeck. $45 from Stevens Magic Emporium. The
first truly American magic book. Explains the secret of the learned pig. (Volume 2 will explain
the secret of fireproof women?)
Sleight of Mouth, by Harry Allen. $20 from L & L Publishing. "A collection of hilarious
one-liners." Some read this book and screamed bloody murder. I read it and laughed. Recently
The Web, by Jim Pace. $10 from L & L Publishing. This is the only card trick/prop on this
list, and it's a honey. The effect is too shocking to foist on strangers, but this is a great card trick
if you want to scare the hell out of your friends.
Illustrated History of Magic, by Milbourne and Maurine Christopher. Foreword by David
Copperfield. $49.98 from Heinemann (available in general book stores). This is a hardback
reprint, very nicely done in a new format, of the 1973 Christopher book. Maurine Christopher
has added a new Chapter 23: MDavid agic Superstars Poised for the 21st Century. This chapter
includes articles and photos of David Copperfield, Siegfried and Roy, Paul Daniels, Lance
Burton, Melinda (nice photos!), Ricky Jay, Princess Tenko, Harry Blackstone, Jr., Jeff McBride,
and Doug Henning.
David Copperfield's Beyond Imagination -- "more original fiction by the master illusionist
and 16 literary masters." $23 from HarperPrism. Last year's David Copperfield's Tales of the
Impossible clearly sold well enough to warrant a sequel. My favorite title in this one is "The
Fall of the House of Escher."
And if you really want to impress the love goddess in your life, don't fail to show off your
magical literary taste by mentioning Little Egypt Card Tricks ($22) or Little Egypt Gazette: The
Lecture 96 ($15), available here (Steve Bryant, 1639 Sycamore Court, Bloomington IN 47401).
Both contain astonishing material you will do. |
I hope you all took out a deck of cards and tried last month's "Oil and Water" effect by Danny
Dew. I presented the trick verbatim from the Ross Bertram book, but didn't comment on how I
actually perform it. My presentation involves mentioning the fact that Rene Lavand popularized
the effect a few years ago, but that I "have to use two hands." I then perform it more or less a la
Lavand ("I can't do it any slower . . . ") until the final phase. Rather than palm off the extra card
as Danny Dew explains, I simply set the entire packet back on the deck, conveniently ditching
the extra card. Then, "If I could do it with one hand . . ." I use one hand and turn the top eight
cards face up, red, red , red, red, black, black, black, black. This is the end of the effect. If it's
an informal situation, I then have the option of letting a little time pass and adding one more
phase as an encore. For that I use the third phase of Dai Vernon's "Oil Slick" in The Vernon
Chronicles/The Lost Inner Secrets, Volume One, by Stephen Minch. There is some beautiful
cheating in this phase and it's easy to do.
If you don't like the above finish, another alternative to the palm-a-card-off/do-it-in-their-hands finish of Danny Dew's is to ask the spectator to hold out her hand. Deal the top four red
cards face up into her hand. Then flip the black cards face up in your hand and spread them,
holding the last two as one. Then place your packet face down onto the face-down deck and
take the red cards from the spectator and place them on top. |
Miss Farnsworth, our buxom administrative assistant who left us this year to perfect her tan,
recently jetted into Las Vegas to fill in for Phoebe for a week in "The Levitation." As she was
floating above the Monte Carlo's stage, Lance, hovering comfortably beneath her, mentioned that his new 1997 calendar
is available, for $13 including shipping. Call (800) 626-9673.
As for the rest of us, the youthful Columbine is off to Oklahoma for the holidays, and the
warehouse where we paste up these issues is inexplicably lonely without her. Over a six-pack of
Bud Light, Golem and I kicked around various ideas for this November issue, including whether
or not to run the diagrams for Jim Steinmeyer's Origami Box or to save them for the April issue,
but the beer took over and we wound up retiring to a far end of the loft, where, despite some
scary sputtering and humming from Golem's antique TV set, we managed to tune in a Clint
Eastwood film festival. Boys will be boys.
The best magician for holding his ground at the bar at the Magic Castle and performing
absolutely lovely card magic is Larry Jennings, and I wrote this issue with him in mind. One of
my prized possessions is a Heineken bottle containing a four of hearts with my name on it, a
souvenir of watching Larry do his famous "Card in the Beer Bottle" effect for me one night at
the Castle.
I hope to be in Louisville on November 23-24 to attend Magic Dealer Days, a mini-convention put on by Collectors Workshop, Al's Magic (Al Cohen), and Stevens Magic
Emporium. Entrance is only $10, so please show up and say hi if you are in the Louisville area.
This is at the Holiday Inn Louisville South, 3317 Fern Valley Road, Louisville KY (502) 964-3311 for reservations. Call Rich Bloch at (202) 364-3020 for details.
In closing, don't forget to set your VCRs for The World's Greatest Magic III on
November 27 (the night before Thanksgiving) on NBC from 8-10 P.M. This should be one of
the best yet.
Happy Thanksgiving. |

A JSB Creations product
Copyright© 1996 by Steve Bryant
Send your cards and letters to