Once again we are pleased to direct your attention to a few interesting sites with a Halloween flavor. A couple hours' surfing the darker currents of the web turned up these odd little destinations. Warning: have someone check on you in an hour or so. This list barely scratches the surface, but there are plenty of enticements along the way to lure you deeper and deeper in ...

The only truly new site this year is Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas site. Check it out for the great Burton art and all the reviews of that marvelous book and film.

A terrific Halloween shopping resource is the Nightmare Factory Gift and Novelty Shop, where you can procure a 16-foot tall Alien Queen statue for a low $21,000. Check out the Walking Illusions for novelty magic ideas.

The Afterlife of Bob, a comic strip about a dead student, may amuse you. So will its cousin strip, The Life of Death.

To completely satiate your darker appetites, try the Dark Side of the Web, a directory service with over 350 spooky links last year that has jumped to over 2000 this year. Keep the light on!

The living grand master of creepy art and stories is of course Edward Gorey. Visit his web site for articles and interviews, theater and animation, books and recordings, and merchandise offers. (Temporarily missing, but this is the correct URL.)

Those with a taste for more lurid comic artwork may prefer the Vampirella comic page.

Lestat fans may enjoy the Official Anne Rice Home Page.

As a boy we cut our fake Dracula teeth on Famous Monsters of Filmland, the seminal fanzine launched by monster lover Forrest Ackerman. Check out his 300K-piece collection of horror, sci-fi, and fantasy.

The Psycho House from Alfred Hitchcock's movie? Nope -- it's Phantom Manor, the haunted house at Disneyland Paris. Take a complete haunted tour.

Californians may prefer the Anaheim version of Disney's Haunted Mansion.

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Copyright© 1997 by Steve Bryant